

Information about our Lakers Tryouts for the 2025-2026 season will be posted soon. Stay tuned.

MSC 2025/2026 Competitive Tryout FAQs

Do I have to attend all tryouts?

The MSC staff strongly encourage players to attend at least one of the tryouts in their age group.

What if my child cannot attend the tryouts?

Email the Lakers Competitive Director Pera Bascu at pbascu@mscsoccer.org or text 985-264-2705. You can also contact the MSC Office at 985-624-8080.

How will players be evaluated?

We do our best to staff our tryouts using coaches who have coached your child and unbiased staff coaches. We use the coaches' evaluations, the MSC staff ratings from the tryouts, film, and factor in observations made throughout the previous playing year. Due to the large number of players attending tryouts, the coaching staff will not provide player evaluations following tryouts.

What do I wear to tryouts?

Players are encouraged to wear any soccer attire of their choice. No dress code is required. Shin guards are mandatory. Bring an inflated soccer ball and water.

Do I need to register my child for tryouts?

Yes, pre-registration for tryouts is highly recommended. Players will be allowed to register onsite. There is NO FEE for registration.

What is PlayMetrics

PlayMetrics is our registration platform database. You will need to create an account for registration. If you decide not to play for MSC, you can quickly delete the account at a later date.

Does MSC have a play-up policy?

MSC is strict on the play-up policy. Most people will look at just the ability; the MSC directors look at ability and factor in physical, maturity, and social and mental skills. If MSC directors feel it is in the player's best interest in soccer development, they will recommend that the child play up. Players can try out in an older age bracket, but must attend their birth year tryout also. If interested, contact MSC Competitive Director Pera Bascu at pbascu@mscsoccer.org.

How will we be notified of team selections?

All players will receive a PlayMetrics (MSC's registration platform) invitation email by April 27 for 11U-13U age groups and June 7 for 14U-19U age groups.

Does the club offer financial assistance?

MSC provides partial aid for families in need. You must complete the financial assistance form found on the MSC website forms page or contact Chad Creger for assistance at admin@mscsoccer.org.

What is the cost of the programs?

The Lakers player fees will be approximately $1,200 for the entire playing year. Additional cost will be a 2-year player uniform and team fees.

When does the season start?

The Lakers season begins in August.

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